best website templates in Yemen احدث تصميم مواقع في اليمن

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Al-Yosefi Medical

Al-Yosefi Medical is a leading Yemeni private company acting as distributor for many renowned multinational producers of pharmaceuticals, paramedic and laboratory equipment, fine chemicals, dietary supplements and cosmetics. The company is also an authorized distributor for many local companies in the healthcare and wellness sector and manages expansive distribution network...

Our Products

We offer wide range products, we deliver quality products at competitive prices. Our specialist team has a wealth of experience in three sections:

Yemen Pharmaceuticals


Yemen Lab Appliances

Laboratory Solutions

Yemen X-Ray

Medical Equipment

Our Clients

Our current customer base

Government Health Departments, Pharmaceutical Wholesalers, Pharmacies, Private Hospitals, 
Medical Centers & Clinics, Dental Practices, Medical Laboratories, Non-Governmental Organisations...etc

Organization Islamic Relief
Yemen Family Care Association
Relief International organization
Al-Balsam International Organization, Yemen
World Health Organization, Yemen
Yemen Ministry of Public Health
Care Responsible Organization
NCCF - National Cancer Control Foundation Yemen


We work with reliable suppliers of pharmaceuticals and medical appliances, which gives us the guarantee of the highest quality and contributes to the dynamic development of the whole company and individual brands. Innovation, safety and uniqueness provide us with a competitive advantage.

Yemen Pharma, Al-Yosefi

Cairo Area, Behind Al-Wali Hospita, Aden - Yemen.


Phone: +967 2 328566  
Mob.: +967 738887939
Tel-fax: +967 2 329565